MaiSkye - Lore

This is the Landing page for all the Lore surronding MaiSkye (Formally MaiNamesKay) Vtuber / Vstreamer. This site will be continuously updated as more lore is discovered.

Ominous (Halloween 2021)

So, today I checked out my emails, I tend to forget about them.You don't expect to find anything other than spam and promotions in your email but this one made meIt seems somewhat legit.I am really not sure what to make of this. Do I trust the professor or am I willing to risk for this.Hmmm. Here's what I'll do. I'll start my stream and see what I feel like once I have played celeste.Okay i've made up my mind. I'm taking the chance.To be fair, Winnter Frooge isn't that far from here, just a 2-3 min walk. Still dangerous while looking out for CSE and instability.Not good, Instability moved in on this area, No wonder that place doesn't operate anymore. Professor Delarge, you better know what you are doing.No sign of the professor, Or any contact from him or his assistants, I've called out for them but nothing. It may be the instability but to be honest i have a feeling like I am being watched.There's nothing back here, Just lots of closed off buildings. Winnter Frooge does not even seem to be accessible. The instability is to thank for that more than likely. Guess i'll just send him an email back.

I Told the boss i had the phone but he was just like , keep hold of it . everything is useful . His exAct words weRe to keep hold of the girl . For now she is importantHe keeps teeling me not to type on here but its cOol to write about this.
We hacked Delarge's emails and sent one straight to the girl, and the idiot fell for it.
Theres no escape from here. Stability desearves death, you can only bask in the inStabilityπŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’« πŸ˜΅πŸ’«
Ah look theres little faces here
About 10 minuTes from now and we will have here where she neeeds to be. The STABILITY MUST FAL
There, she cant escape that one.
The BOss says he's got sothing planned for her
She woke up after oNly 2 electric shocks . Shame
He keeps asking her about The Amplifier, We know that she knows even if she soesn't know herself
the boss Just got the cHip. sHe seems to like it . Once we know where the amplifer is . We can end cyberspace stAbilityStill not cooperatiN . the boss planned for this. Shes in for a crazy timeboss Says hes got what He nEEds.
Well dump her somewhere. He says hes maDe it Interesting for her. We got the datsa , she got corruptEd.
She can have the phOne back too, this thing FeelS like to muCh responcability

Urg, I just woke up. I cant really remember what happenedWoah, my skins alot more redder than usual. What happened last nightHold on a miniute , What are these ?ow ow , they dont come offfeel like im about to rip my brain outi don't know what to doI'm freaking out but if I get back into stable cyberspace, get home then I can think thing through more clearlyI'll be extensively trying to find out what has happened to me. Until then i feel like im going to have to put up with, whatever this is
I will keep you updated

The Team

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